Career Counselling
- Mahendra college of Engineering is doing career counseling in a way that it creates awareness and also motivates the students to select the better career. Counseling refers to the process of helping students by providing guidance, moral support, and exploring solutions for the problems being faced.
- Students often seek out assistance when they are trying to choose a job for the first time. Many of them always in a dilemma whether they should go for a job or pursue higher study.
- Career guidance plays a pivotal role in these situations. Career guidance and counseling not only helps the students to find out the jobs also help them to get motivated for searching better to the best opportunities.
- In order for a student to become the most marketable candidate for their prospective job path,career counseling services may be the most valuable resource for college students.
- Career counselors help enhance a student’s academic experience by providing the opportunity to apply classroom learning in a pre-professional work environment. By helping students find these opportunities, students are able to more easily determine if a certain academic major or career path is right for them.
At Mahendra College of Engineering, Career Guidance and Counseling goes with academics simultaneously.
These are the activities
- Broadening knowledge, skills, and abilities by sharing different types of hands on training, videos, presentation etc.
- Improving decision making skills
- Increasing self-esteem and motivation
- Building interpersonal effectiveness by different types of group activities
- Maximizing career opportunities by giving different types of placement opportunities
- Promoting effective job placement
- Strengthening employer employee relations
Besides the above, Counseling is also organized through external agencies like SAI IAS ACADEMY, TITAN ACADEMY, AME ACADEMY, DREAM PRIME IAS ACADEMY & CADD CENTER etc.