The college runs remedial coaching for the students who need special care and support in academics. The coaching programme is coordinated by a senior faculty nominated by the Principal. A committee consisting of the Principal,Dean-Academics, coordinator and a group of faculty from various departments monitor the coaching programme regularly. Every batch of new students in each department is assigned a tutor. The head of the department along with the class tutor interacts with the student and parents in order to identify areas of student potential as well as areas where remedial assistance is required. The classes are conducted without disturbing the regular instructional hours and the progress of the students is evaluated on the basis of written examination
Specific steps adopted:
- Tutorials, discussions and interactions
- Personal, academic and social counseling.
- Concept clarification and problem solving exercises.
- Bilingual explanations and discussions.
- Provision for simplified but standard lecture notes/course material.
- Revision of topics and practical’s.
- Enhancement of communication skills & art of reading-learning.
- Trial tests and mock examinations.