Wipro Mission10X

Mission10X is a not-for-profit trust initiated to enhance the employability skills of fresh engineering graduates in India, and was launched on 5 September 2007, celebrated as Teachers' Day in India. Mission10X is a fast-growing academic community of learners and innovators.
With the aim to cater to the substantial number of engineering graduates in India who lack employability skills, Mission10X, as a part of the Wipro Quantum Innovation project, planned to create a significant change in the employability landscape.
Azim Premji, Chairman, Wipro Ltd., launched Mission10X on 5 September 2007, amongst a huge gathering of senior academicians from Engineering Institutions across India.
The Mission10X Faculty Empowerment Workshops started from 12 November 2007. The Mission10X team consists of an Advisory Board of Senior Academicians, a Core team that sets directions and ensures quality and processes, a Research Team that conceptualizes designs and delivers learning and Academic Relationship Managers who interact with academia.
AThe Mission10X Learning Approach (MxLA), a technique used in these workshops was conceived to empower faculty members with innovative teaching techniques and tools that would enable their learners to:
- Imbibe higher levels of understanding of engineering courses
- Effectively apply the learnt concepts in practical situations
- Develop key behavioral skills required for employability
MxLA is sensitive to the contemporary intellectual development in the human and social sciences and derives its essence from multiple disciplines, methods and approaches. Amongst many Pedagogical and Androgogical approaches, the MxLA focuses on:
- Benjamin S. Bloom's Taxonomy of educational objectives
- Howard Gardner's Multiple Intelligence Theory